resident evil4″ is 17 years old, it seems that many fans are eager to know more secrets of this game, so that here are 40 things you still do not know about “resident evil4”. First, we all know how horrible it is to be beheaded by Dr. Salvatore, but beheadings don’t even exist in the Japanese version of RESIDENT EVIL 4. In this version, the violence is severely downplayed, there are no beheadings, and you can’t blow up Gennardo’s head, and there are two censored versions, the German version that removes mercenaries and Ada missions from the game entirely, and in the recent VR version Removed all of them from the game Secondly, and this is just a little secret, but at the beginning of the game, after the first encounter with the villagers, past the dog, if you go right to this corner, you will find a red herb, well hidden due to all the weeds completely blocking its view. Unfortunately, after the game was revealed, critics compared it to the Call of Duty franchise and Operation Raccoon C in RESIDENT EVIL, another Capcom game that was received with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It was neat to see the updated graphics in Gennado’s village.
Fourth, in the Gamecube version of Resident Evil 4, there was a glitch that allowed Ashley to use the suplex technique on enemies, a glitch that was eventually fixed in a later version. V. After the first quick time event of chasing the boulder, if you look up, there is a bridge with two Ganatos on it, most likely these Gennados are the ones who pushed the boulder down the mountain.
VI. So there are countless scrapped enemies that were previously planned to appear in resin, but in this post I’ll just cover some of the more interesting ones, but I’ll be sure to leave a link in the description if you want to check out the full list of enemies. The armored Gennado is a prototype of the Gyarador enemy, the first design looks very similar to its helmet design, but it has no claws and its eyes are not sewn shut, an interesting design choice is to mark the insignia of the low level salarian Monado on the breastplate.
He wears an undershirt with explosives in it and holds a torch in one hand to light the other two sticks stuck in his head, the original design for the Spawn. Seventh, obviously, there are no children genes in this game, this is due to the strict rules that describe violence against children in the article game, because of these rules, the developers decided not to include them in the game eighth, so there is actually a movie that summarizes the events of resident evil4 called resident evil4 hatching, it does cut some in order to Compress the content of the movie, some chapters in the game, such as the walk to the village, the battle of del lago and most of chapter 3, 4 and 5. 1, if you take the boat back to the dock where the del lago boss fight starts and then go back to the road, it triggers a secret scene that shows a bunch of zombie dogs gathering and then proceeds to ambush leon, #11, so you can actually fight two chainsaw guys in the village, you can encounter one, along the path that takes you to the next area in the chapter, and when you defeat him, he drops a ruby, and then after that you can go into the house to get trigger another chainsaw guy into the village scene, and after Lean saved Ashley in the church in #12, the two were forced to run away because the zealot was pointing a crossbow at them, so Leanne was forced to crash through the window and head out, and now if you end up back in the church, you can actually fight the two zealots who attacked Lean and Ashley by fighting the two zealots.
13 Lean and the merchant are voiced by the same voice actor, 14 Asle