All Lockpick and Locked Drawers Locations

In addition to breaking wooden boxes and other ways to search for items, there are also locked drawers in characteristic locations, you need to use the “Lockpick” to open, the items inside are generally ammunition, individual will have treasures, the following list shows all lockpick locations and the location of the locked drawers, hope to help players:


Lockpick Locations

1Castle DimitrescuOn the Shelf next to the door of the west corridor of the kitchen.
2Castle DimitrescuOn the chest in the northeast corner of the roof attic
3Castle DimitrescuOn the desk in the armory
4VillageIn the outhouse next to the Maestro's house (guitar maker), across from the blue Gate
5VillageIn a well next to workshop in West Old Town, dredged up with the Water wheel
6VillageOn the windowsill inside the waterwheel house in East Old Town
7VillageOn a windowsill in the shack on the south side of the Garden
8VillageIn the well behind the Craftman‘s hut (return via the riverboat after getting the crank), in a puddle at the bottom of the well ladder.
9Heisenberg‘s FactoryAt the end of the tunnel with the large drill embedded in the floor of B3, in a cabinet on the left side of the room.
10Heisenberg‘s FactoryInside the operating room, go back to floor B4, once the door is powered by the backup generator, on a table to your left as you enter.

Tips: If you have the Survival Resources Pack(Pre-order bonuses), you can get a free lockpick tool from Merchant.


Locked Drawer Locations and Contents

1VillageThe first house you enter in the villageSniper Rifle Ammo
2VillageThe house west of the statue of MaidenShotgun Ammo
3Castle DimitrescuDrawer in the room next to BedchamberShotgun Ammo
4Castle DimitrescuDrawer in the west hallway of the kitchen[Treasure] Wooden Angel Statue
5Castle DimitrescuDrawer on the 2nd floor of Opera HallSniper Rifle Ammo
6VillageThe house east of the statue of Maiden(second visit)Shotgun Ammo
7Heisenberg's FactoryThe cabinet in the corner of the hallway leading to the operating room[Treasure]Yellow Quartz
8Heisenberg's FactoryDrawer outside the door of the Heisenberg's quarters located on the B4 floor, above the engine roomMagnum Ammo