back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!

Yo yo yo yo everyone, this is your boy Oz Savage, today we’re going into the no hope attachment build, which is great for Hofmann or hang me personally, I prefer Hofmann because every time you get a written kill they have a chance to drop an attachment and then we’ll stack it with piñata.back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!

We’re going to stack it with Hofmann and then we’re going to have Magician’s Apprentice so that not only do we get Molotovs from secondary kills, but you know every time you get a written kill like this, they have a chance to drop an accessory and then with the piñata, they have another 15 chances to drop a random accessory.
back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!
We also have a chance to get two attachments so you can see we’re only throwing two spades and honestly, that’s all you need, like you throw Molotov down and you have some good accessory damage and you’re able to block the ridden in the whole direction.
back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!
You have ridden in your team, so you know in a hopeless situation there’s going to be a whole bunch of riddenhorde and they’re going to be crazy and they’re going to do a lot of damage, so it’s nice to have a grenade guy that can actually block the whole path so you don’t have to worry about looking in that direction, you know you can just you can focus on a different direction and that’s really nice , and then combined with the melee guy, that’s going to be two damage dealers like area of effect that can control horde really well, so that’s the build that we got, so some of the biggest cards, you know the twitchy magician apprentice piñata and the highwayman, the twitchy one is making sure that when we get that we’re going to make sure that when we get temporary health by using pyro and incendiary grenades, it pretty much stays there, and then we’re going to tie it to Tumor and Sadist, so if any of your teammates around you take any damage, we’re going to get more temporary health, and then every time we have temporary health, we get 10 damage and trust me, that extra 10% is exactly what you need to stay alive a little bit longer, so that’s where Hofmann makes a difference, when he kills ridden there’s a chance to find ammo or accessories and then if you swing with Hen he has a 55% chance of reuse and then when he gets hit he so it depends on your play style with Hofmann you’ll get their accessories and you’ll get their kills and then hang you’ll get accessories for getting hit so I mean I personally go Hofmann because it seems kind of easy to get the accessories to, uh, you know take any damage so usually I go my choice is Hofmann and then add num and sadist and you’ll almost always get temporary help and you’ll have a ton of damage resistance, now one more thing like in my previous post you know mom got the raw healing nerf.
back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!
But if you connect her to Hofmann or Hen and they do this temporary health building, my goodness, you really have temporary health all the time, like it never runs out.
back 4 bloodPyro/Pinata Nade Build! (no hope) for Hofmann or Hen!
That’s probably one of the next things I’m going to do, like a temporary health mom type of build, I think she’s going to be really good lately, but yeah, go out and try this build that’s super, super strong, uh, and you can just throw down Molotov and it’ll kill everything and then all you have to do is go search for dead people. And then all you have to do is go out and search the corpses and see what accessories drop and it drops random accessories as well, so you know try to use your pistol as much as you can and you can get those Molotovs and then everything else is random, like this thing drops kits and you’ll get It’s a very, very interesting combo and as long as you’re alive you can do damage and uh, you’ll be charming as well, so Definitely go out and try this combo, it’s really fun, it’s like spades and spades for damage, um, it’s a really good candidate because you know there’s really no one with an effect other than a melee guy, so this spade guy is perfect for hopeless teams, so I think it’s really good for you guys to run and be aware that we want to get more back 4 blood people to see these decks and then press the sub button, we have more decks coming, I have a raw damage deck, like a gem Walker type deck, we’re going to do mom’s temp deck. I even have an Evangelo bodyguard tank deck, so you guys are going to love it, well, I hope you guys will go out and try this build, and as always, thanks for stopping by and checking out this article, and I’ll see you guys in the next one.