Hello everybody, welcome, I’m 902, we’re in Hell’s Bells, Hell’s Bells is abandoned, I think these are by far the biggest reset points for you guys and I’m going to show you basically the same strategy as far as how to deal with trailers, uh, hang in there, let’s move on uh, we have decent resources as far as decks go, we actually have very good resources, oh, we have ferocious Armored Bruisers, Smashers and Mastodons, and Stalkers, that’s what we’ve got. We move on we have a very good deck, we actually have a very good deck oh we have a ferocious armored blues, smashers, mons and stalkers, that’s good our main dps is shotgun so the stalkers have to be relatively close and we can actually blitz them pretty easily the smashers are big fat guys, they’ll blow the wind up first and the blues we can kill with a grenade shot them, or we can trip them up with an A12, which is fine. I think we’re going to skip any medical care, any… ... That starts the part here… …
In the car tunnel is a good place for the scavenger car to leave… … So I usually like to shoot a lot.
.. … Sorry, we shoot as far into the pool as we can..
. If we stay to the left of the hall or to the left of the tunnel we’ll go down and take some pictures… come on dear Cherie’s gotta love charisse…
we’d like to see the ogre boss or I don’t know, I don’t think I have a chance of getting a second one. I don’t know, I don’t think there’s a chance of getting a second hacker boss Maybe it’s possible, but our boss will either be an ogre or breaker We desperately want the ogre to outsmart the breaker If our robot is still alive, we can handle the ogre ourselves It’s not a problem because we have unlimited ammo We’ll probably put this grenade in here Once we get the grenade, we can bite into this to pull the snitch It’s so easy, I think the A-12 is by far the best gun. sniper rifle, and if you’re not down there with them, the boss likes to take a break when they jump down, so I’ll usually stay here with them for a while and make sure they’re okay, and then I’ll need this, keep an eye on that grenade, don’t let it go black, we’re dropping our grenades, okay, give me some light, it’s just waiting to put our grenades down and we’re good to go so I’ve been holding out in this trailer multiverse with cell towers everywhere messing with people’s brains, I’ve even held out here which is actually a good holding spot right here not the best because most things get missed or dropped here I don’t want to blow up this car, I want to loot, I want to loot here, Kaufman gave us an extra grenade so we’re going to get all our stuff back, oh, pipe bombs from offensive scavengers. Geez, we’re going to hold here, we’re going to hold here, we’re going to hold here, we’re going to hold here, we’re going to set up quickly most of the time, leave those pills there as quickly as possible, they’re going to be waiting for us there later, they need an extra grenade, build a little endurance here perfectly, we’ll pick, we’ll take our propane tanks, oh, more than one grenade, oops group wasting time and time let’s try it Hu Ferman wants to make sure oh good we’re sure well unfortunately the robots have thrown all their stuff because they’re throwable and they’re throwing stuff that’s basically time limited we’re not too worried about these propane tanks well here we go we have we have a lot of stuff to throw, good we’ll just pick one of the places to set up the incendiary grenades and hopefully some good eggs produce, we have a lot of grenades, okay, we’re going to make sure that we throw the grenades at any of the wretches, the wretches are going to ruin our day, the wretches are the only problem we’re facing right now because we have so many throwables. We have so many throwables, we’re lucky, if we get hit we’re in trouble and the pipeline is almost free, I wanted to use a propane tank on him, oh boy, I didn’t, I missed the cowboy, I don’t know if they detected it, but we can save the box for some health, so it’s a ripper, don’t worry about the ripper, just a