Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island (“Forest 2022”) (6)

Hey guys, we’re back in the woods and this is our building, it’s still a work in progress, it’s not very good and we’re still trying to figure it out so we have an idea to maybe finish this staircase and make this staircase all the way up to that staircase and then we can jump over here and see if we can build this a little bit higher but right now we’re talking about the wall that needs to be built and we don’t have a stone bag yeah because it gets you go from the fifth floor to the tenth floor, so we need to fight the boars I think the other side of the river is where the turtles and the alligators are oh yeah because I don’t think there are any boars on this side right now do you think it’s on the east side or the west side or the north side do you think it’s up there because I don’t know, certainly not when it’s snowing, right we have a little bit of time before it snows if we go north across the river the alligators are at least on at least this side We’ve got to go north, east or west but there’s some ooga boogas down there, the whole one hole, three holes, it’s funny to see them from a distance, they’re running around like maniacs you’re a maniac, maniacs on the ground, where’s the plank? I don’t know if I have 42 arrows or what? We need your skin, Mr.Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island ( Boal Oh look, we’re on the other side, running like a beat, we need boardies, I’m starting to swim Oh what, there’s four more coming, they’re saying, hey, what’s going on, maybe it’s a dance party From fresh to edible, like uh, it’s edible, but you’re not going to like it, it’s not going to taste good, at least you didn’t get any on this trip Ooga boogas yeah, that’s right, ’cause I’ve had that accomplishment yeah, you’ve had some Huga boogas, no pills, the pills are here platypus, not that platypus doctor hey, every time I get a tennis ball, I throw it at you, laughing, “two snacks, time to collect snacks, so there’s a there’s a cave entrance, oh, there’s A deer, oh see, there’s an entrance to a cave, oh are these good arrows, oh these are good arrows, I don’t want to go open them.
Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island (
If you’re looking for arrows, there’s a whole bunch of good arrows here, yeah, I’ve got 50, so I’ve got 42 now, so where is that, there’s an open one here, so you can take it, I’ll take this open one, a good five eight arrows, so see, we’ve got four more when we’re ready, we’ve got to remember, it’s time to collect the arrows, oh, to collect the arrows, I remember here There’s an entrance, I think it’s Niner Cave, Niner’s right here Did you find it on the walkie-talkie? You just caught a Niner in there.
Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island (
Did we come here when there was no sleep? Did we come here when there was no light? We’re here collecting sticks because the sticks we have here are so bad oh wait, what I’m trying to say is that I’ve got all six sticks that I need and apparently I don’t, apparently I’m an idiot, it’s real clips, well I’m not talking about sticks anymore when we pushed up to this water we started finding crocodiles and other things and I remember I know we saw wild boar in that area to the west okay, let’s Let’s go, let’s go boar hunting look at this lake, you can fish in this lake because you’re walking, so it’s great man, are you for real? I don’t suggest you use that thing because it works What do you mean? I’ll use my katana on him, on these fish No, on this gator man, it’s dangerous I’m right behind you Oh, there you go, I brought you this, it’s a head, thanks I need a game head, it’s getting dark in there Should we sleep in here? it’s dangerous not to see in this area we have to go back we have to go back and sleep and then come back we came at a bad time oh what’s that and a crocodile look you can’t see him those tents aren’t sleepable are they? I don’t think, I think, they’re not open right now, isn’t there a camp on the edge of this one? Uh, it’s on the left, over here, I’m shy, oh, I’m tired, I’m tired, yeah, we’re like the whole My God, I haven’t found Aloe yet No, no, did I turn around, or where the hell am I? Our house is right on the edge of this side I don’t know if you want to check this place out I don’t think I know if it’s sleeping do we have a place to sleep in the camp? Yeah, we did, yeah, oh, here we go, this is not a good time to swim oh, he’s dead, he’s dead yeah, oh, I can’t see these people you know, guess what, it’s katana time, pill katana time apparently, I’m cold and wet wow, there’s more here, cold and wet we decided we decided to leave the camp at 6:00 p.
Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island (
Boar hunting season on Cannibal Island (
I’m trapped, I’m surrounded by five people, but I can barely see, of course, man, where are you?