Next to Kitchen

F2 Rifle
After you solve that five bells things, climb up the ladder to the Attic, On the chair in the corner.

F2 Rifle – High-Capacity Mag.
(Check How to find Maestro’s Collection, in the same location)

Go to the work shop area, the small house on the left, use the code 070408 to open the iron cabinet.

M1911 – High Capacity Mag
After the reservoir is drained, enter the house next to the windmill

W870 TAC
After defeating Benevento, go to the location shown in the picture below

W870 TAC – ForeGrip
After you kill Salvatore Moreau, Go back to Lone Road, Come to the drawbridge, use Crank, cross the bridge, drive the boat, go downstream, enter the cave on the right and find it.

Check How to get Waterwheel Weapon Treasure?
M1851 Wolfsbane
Check How to get Moreau’s Hidden Weapon?

M1851 Wolfsbane – Long Barrel
Return to the location shown in the screenshot (take the elevator to B4 and go through the foundry) before using Heisenberg’s key.