The Resident Evil 8 Hooligan Trophy challenge requires players to break all the windows in dimitrescu’s castle in order to complete it and unlock the trophy or achievement of the same name. So, where are all the windows in the castle?
Table of Contents
Challenge Overview:
Hooligan Trophy: Break every breakable window in Castle Dimitrescu in a single playthrough.
Complete the challenge to unlock both the trophy/achievement and also get 8000 CP, which is great if you know the location and can be collected along with other collectibles.
Almost all windows can be broken with a knife
The total number of windows that need to be broken to complete the challenge (trophy/achievement) is 20. If you plan to complete it in a single playthrough (without unlocking unlimited ammunition), it is likely to waste bullets if you use firearms to break them all. If ammunition is relatively short, it is recommended to use a knife to break the window.
It’s hard to tell whether a window needs to be broken by the naked eye alone
There are a lot of windows in Castle Dimitrescu, and the windows that need to be broken are only some of them. Some windows cannot be determined by the naked eye alone whether they can be broken or not, and whether they are included in the windows that need to be broken, so it is recommended to check them in order according to the locations indicated list below.
Windows should be broken in the same save
No matter how many windows are broken in other saves, the challenge cannot be completed if all 20 windows are not broken at once.
The Locations: List all 20 of the breakable windows locations.

# 1,2,Kitchen (Where you fight with Bella)

# 3,4,Dining Room

# 5,6,7 Opera Hall Stairs

# 8,Hall of Joy

# 9, Atelier

# 10,11 ,12 Opera Hall 2F

# 13,14 Hall of Ablution Stairs

# 15,16 ,17 ,18 ,19,20 Dimitrescu‘s Chambers
In conclusion, if you’re looking for all breakable window in Castle Dimitrescu to complete the Hooligan Trophy challenge, these are all of the locations. Be sure to take your time and explore every nook and cranny of the castle so you don’t miss any windows. And good luck!