Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7

At the beginning of March Capcom announced that resident evil7 and the remastered versions of Res needle 2 and 3 would be getting next generation upgrades and said that these upgrades would be completely free, recently Capcom released some details about the next generation upgrades, hopefully this information will clarify some of your questions as I know many of you have left in my other articles questions in the comments, and to be honest I didn’t have the answers at the time.Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7

Before we get into the tweets I just want to say that I will be covering any new resident evil information that we receive so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest Res needle news maybe consider subscribing, now with that in mind let’s get right to the tweets, here is what Capcom says we are getting in the upcoming next gen upgrade with some additional upgrades.
Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7
resident evil7 resident evil2 and resident evil3 upgrades on Playstation 5 and Xbox series X.
Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7
Let’s talk about what content can carry over and how to upgrade without adding cost, as mentioned before, the original Playstation 4 and Xbox for these games One versions of the save data and progress will carry over to the respective upgraded versions.
Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7
The save data and progress of the games will carry over to their respective upgraded versions.
Next generation updates for resident evil2, 3 and 7
Separately purchased dlc and dlc included with the resident evil 7 Gold Edition will also be transferred over. Players who own the physical versions of resident evil2, 3 or 7 can upgrade for free via a ps4 to ps5 digital upgrade or xbox smart delivery. xbox smart deliveryPlease note that your console will need a disk drive to continue using the physical versions of these games, the next generation physical versions are not playing right now, but all These three games will be available digitally on ps5 and xbox series x as described above for ps4 and xbox one discs All PS4 and Xbox One digital versions of the games will also be eligible for upgrades, which is what we received regarding the resident evil7 and resident evil2 and resident evil3 remakes Thank you for reading and see you next time.