Splatoon 3 theory: it’s not a Splatoon 2 sequel

So I’ve had this theory for a while, and to test if others see a similar pattern, I asked you guys what game you thought Splatoon 3 was most based on, and most of you thought it was Splatoon 1.Splatoon 3 theory: it's not a Splatoon 2 sequel

I’m here to tell you that it’s more one sided I’m here to tell you that it’s more one sided than you think, in fact I would go so far as to say that Splatoon 3 is closer to a sequel to Splatoon 1 in that it uses some aspects of Splatoon 2 rather than a sequel to Splatoon 2, I mean, why do I have this opinion that What it means for the game, we’ll cover all of that if you want to see more, let’s get right into it, first of all, why I think it’s a Splatoon 1 sequel because the trailers show a huge preference for that, let’s start with the first trailer which has three songs, one of them is a Splatoon 1 loading screen song, another one is a Splat attack remix, the song used in the Splatoon 1 unveiling and finally, although it is a small detail, even the music played on the train is from the Splatoon 1 plaza.
Splatoon 3 theory: it's not a Splatoon 2 sequel
Then we can look at the weapons shown, obviously there is a new bow, but other than that we have the E-Lead.
Splatoon 3 theory: it's not a Splatoon 2 sequel
The Leader is the most common charger in the first game, the Dynamo is the most common and best roller in the first game, the Range Blaster is the most infamous blaster in the first game, at least on a higher level, and they show off the splat, especially with the Inkzooka, once again the most common short range shooter 96, was for a while the main pillar of the meta and a long range I think they were trying to show off the new look, I don’t know why the regular killer didn’t show up.
Splatoon 3 theory: it's not a Splatoon 2 sequel
I’ll skip to the second trailer which confirms another returning stunt, the big bubbler based on the bubbler, all three returning stunts are based on stunts specifically banned from the first game, not the second.
Splatoon 3 theory: it's not a Splatoon 2 sequel
The only stage in the trailer that hints at a possible return is another Splatoon 1 stage that is the height of the flounder, and speaking of single player in the single player section, we also get a brief look at the game, which features Agent Cali Marie 3 and Captain Squid, with no Asian 4 8 or decoupling, again very clearly favoring the character from Splatoon 1 over If that doesn’t seem coincidental enough, virtually the entire trailer is based on clues from Splatoon 1’s original hero mode, and apparently there’s some Splatoon 2 stuff being shown, and I don’t want to pretend that those things don’t exist, like yes, we see gluga’s and undercover, I think splash and charger were shown because they were more popular in Splatoon 2, but not really as much as what we did My theory is that Splatoon 3 will be closer to a sequel to Splatoon 1 and will focus on the feel of the game or bringing back special properties or stages from that game rather than what was in Splatoon 2. Now obviously not all of the Splatoon 2 stuff is not coming back, we may see some of that stuff, just significantly less, some of the stuff we have to get, like the salmon running all the main weapons, probably some of the subs, and I bet we’ll even see some of the Splatoon 2 characters, they just won’t be as prominent or featured as you want to make buying Splatoon 2 people have a reason to buy Splatoon 3, so it doesn’t make sense. I think Nintendo did this for two reasons, one is to keep the Wii U Splatoon 1 had a lot of amazing stages or special ideas etc and just stayed on a console that no one could play, compared to Splatoon 2 where the properties are easily available on the switch for the same price as Splatoon 3. The second reason is that splatfest is undoubtedly the chaos of Splatoon 1, while order is Splatoon 2, which is just the direction of these games and the development of the series.