Resident Evil Village will often throw small groups of enemies at you, and unlike the shambling zombies of past games, Lycans will move fast, stalk and pummel you. Making sure you use everything around you and find shelves to push into openings or bags of flour you can hit to blind enemies. Many enemies can wield weapons and do more damage than usual, but you can shoot them in the leg to knock them down and give yourself some breathing room, or shot them in the arm to disarm them permanently. If you’re having trouble aiming, you can adjust the camera and aim acceleration settings in the option menu. Everyone feels differently, but we found that turning it all off made accurate aiming easier. Yellow is the most important color, not only does it mark interactive objects, it can also help point the way forward, or in some areas there are too many useful items. So keep an eye out for breakable boxes, ladders, switches, and even bird cages with yellow splashes, and if you see a yellow rope on the ground, it could lead you to a pool with fish.

Your inventory is a little different from previous Resident Evil games, and while it’s similar in style to Resident Evil 4, you don’t really have to worry about juggling keys or crafting components. Remember, grab every powder, grass, and resource you can find without having to worry about running out of inventory space. Speaking of inventory management, you’ll eventually find alternate pistols and shotguns, and if you prefer one variant over another, don’t be afraid to sell them to Duke to make a buck and free up some space. If you plan to sell your extra pistol or shotgun, be sure not to waste ammunition and use the entire clip before switching to your new weapon; every bullet counts. One thing that does take up inventory space is animals and fish meat, which you can start harvesting in-game, and you can unlock permanent upgrades from the Duke with enough raw meats.

The village is full of treasures, but be sure to take some time to check them out, sometimes treasures can be combined to make them worth a lot more, so it’s worth waiting until you find another part and then combine it and sell it as one item. If you see a glowing spot on the wall or ceiling, be sure to examine the environment carefully and shoot it down to collect valuable crystals. You can also listen carefully to the faint squeak of bird cages twisting in the wind and shoot them down from the trees.

During your adventure, you’ll return to the village itself several times, but each time will be a little different; be sure to revisit previously explored areas. Find new enemies, animals, and pathways to travel that weren’t there before. Be sure to make one last sweep of an area before you leave for the final hidden treasure, or you may miss out on some good loot that will never be available.